Parents who are separated from their spouse must continue to support their child, regardless of whether they have custody. A court-ordered child support payment allows the receiving parent to budget for their household and the providing parent to anticipate the minimum amount required to give each month.
For legal assistance receiving payments from a spouse or enforcing an existing agreement, reach out to an Owings Mills child support lawyer today. Mothers and fathers could get the answers to any legal questions they have about the child support process from the seasoned family attorneys with Nguyen Roche.
Child support is a court-ordered payment requiring the noncustodial parent to provide financial support to the custodial parent for the care of their child. The court may also mandate child support when parents share custody. The goal is to ensure the child’s well-being wherever they are located.
Many people misunderstand the purpose of child support. It is not solely to buy items directly for the child, though it can be used for food, clothing, and other direct expenses. It is also designed to pay for the following:
A reliable attorney in Owings Mills could help with the complex process of child support, whether their client is a custodial or noncustodial parent.
Child support payments are based on a person’s ability to pay, not the desire to pay. Some parents will become intentionally underemployed to try to reduce their child support obligations or avoid paying. The courts take a dim view of this approach. They are allowed to look at an individual’s earning ability, not just how much money they are currently making.
The court also reviews a parent’s pre-tax income when determining child support. Income is not limited to salary and wages and also includes the following:
Once the pre-tax income is determined, the court looks at the adjustment to income, including any other child support or alimony obligations. The result is the adjusted monthly income.
If a parent does not have a high earning ability, the court cannot reasonably order higher child support. However, the state’s child support guidelines use a formula that considers both parents’ incomes, whether the children have any special needs, the terms of the custody agreements, and other factors.
Additional expenses impacting child support obligations include work-related childcare expenses, extraordinary medical expenses, counseling, and physical therapy.
The court also examines the percentage of overnights with each parent. While parents who share custody may be entitled to child support, a parent who has the children less than 35 percent of overnights is not eligible. During an initial meeting, a professional Owing Mills lawyer could answer any additional questions that a client has concerning child support.
For any questions or concerns about the payment process, speak with an Owings Mills child support lawyer. They could explain the child support guidelines and whether a client’s circumstances warrant a deviation from them.
Do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with a hardworking legal professional with Nguyen Roche today to learn more.