Owings Mills High-Asset Divorce Lawyer

Even when things end amicably, a divorce can be an emotionally draining experience. When individuals have substantial assets and debts to resolve, this can complicate things further. An Owings Mills high-asset divorce lawyer could apply their knowledge to help their client reach a mutual resolution with their spouse.

Nguyen Roche Sutton has extensive experience handling divorces in which couples must divide significant assets and property. Every family dynamic is unique, and spouses need an attorney to listen to their goals and execute a plan to make them happen. Contact our team today to speak with a seasoned divorce attorney.

Common Issues in High-Net-Worth Divorces

When couples file for divorce, they must make important decisions regarding their children, property, and valuables. For those with high-value assets, there are crucial factors to consider.

In a divorce with significant marital property, the couple may need to retain appraisers and experts to determine the value of all their assets and how to divide it. Other complications families with high assets might encounter in a divorce include:

  • Child support
  • Tax implications
  • Alimony payments
  • Custody and visitation
  • Division of marital property

A reliable lawyer in Owings Mills could review their client’s high-asset divorce case and advise them on the best action to protect their financial interests. Get in touch with the Nguyen Roche Sutton team today to learn more.

Determining Assets in a Divorce Case

One of the first steps for couples to take who are filing for divorce is listing all their assets. While some divorces only concern the marital home, others require dividing more significant assets, such as businesses or property. Couples could also acquire other financial assets during their marriage, including the following:

  • Retirement accounts
  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Mutual funds

In addition, a spouse may own valuable items and property they would like to keep separate from the marital estate. A well-versed attorney who handles divorce cases in Owings Mills could assist their client in identifying high-priced assets obtained during a marriage.

Equitable Distribution of Property in High-Asset Divorce

Marital property is subject to equitable distribution in Maryland. This means that any assets or property acquired throughout a marriage are divided fairly among spouses – not necessarily evenly. However, the principles of equitable distribution may not apply to couples with high-value assets.

To divide property, the court will consider relevant factors like its value, the couple’s length of marriage, their respective contributions, and their sources of income or earning potential. When the assets involved are particularly valuable, trying to reach an equitable outcome can be challenging.

Property acquired before marriage or that is inherited will be considered separate and is not subject to Maryland’s laws of equitable distribution. A high-asset divorce lawyer in Owings Mills could help their client negotiate an agreement with their spouse that protects their financial interests.

Reach Out to an Owings Mills High-Asset Divorce Attorney Today

During a marriage, spouses can accumulate assets, property, and other high-priced items. Although Maryland applies an equitable distribution approach to the division of marital assets, couples can agree to divide their estate however they see fit.

An Owings Mills high-asset divorce lawyer could develop a comprehensive strategy that protects their clients’ essential assets and property while efficiently resolving a divorce case. Schedule an initial consultation with a hardworking family attorney today to discuss ways to manage your significant wealth and assets as you dissolve your marriage.